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Wireless Services

Juniper Networks provides mobile services and devices for qualified employees. Juniper Networks provides these mobile services as tools to aid employees in support of their daily work.

Wireless services are the highest cost method of communications available to Juniper employees. To help control these costs, please go to the link below and familiarize yourself with the various alternatives to cell phones and Blackberries.

Juniper Mobility Website:


All users of Juniper Networks provided mobile equipment and services must read and accept the Mobility Policy which describes the authorized services and restrictions on mobile phone usage. A copy of the policy can be pulled from the link below:

Juniper Networks Mobility Policy ( Doc).

One Device/One Account Policy – Juniper Networks employees are only allowed to have one mobile device and one mobile account. This includes devices that may be billed back to Juniper on expense accounts by employees. Under the current policy an employee who is approved and qualified for a mobile device can have:
  • One cell phone or,
  • One PDA (Blackberry or MS Mobile) or,
  • One cell phone/PDA combined device.
Transferring Personal Phone Numbers – Users can transfer their personal numbers onto their Juniper provided cell phone or PDA with the following restrictions:
  • The transfer of the number must be done when the service is ordered, once the user receives their phone the number cannot be changed.
  • There is no guarantee that a number will be returned to the employee if they leave Juniper Networks.
  • If a number is transferred back to an employee, they have 24 hours to complete the transfer with the cell phone vendor or the line will be cancelled.

Juniper Networks can support user’s mobile needs across a variety of standard devices including:

  • Mobile Phones – Juniper Networks provides a range of standard phones which are dependent on the country where the user is located. Users must use the recommended models in each location in order to provide a level of standard support from the Juniper Networks Help Desk. Click on a link below for access to help information on your mobile phone carrier:
    • United States – AT&T
  • Blackberries – Juniper Networks supplies Blackberry devices that allow the synchronization of your company e-mail from our internal Blackberry Enterprise Servers. Click here to go our Blackberry information page.
  • Windows Mobile – Juniper Networks supports the use of Windows Mobile devices for mail and calendar synchronization. Click here to go to our Windows Mobile or ActiveSync page.


The process for ordering a new or replacement Juniper Networks mobile device varies according the employees location:

  • United States/Canada/United Kingdom – Employees in these three countries can place orders for mobile devices through our partnership with Tangoe Corporation. Click here to be taken to our ordering and billing web portal instructions.
  • All other Locations – Employees in all other countries can place orders using a standard Juniper Networks Help Desk ticket. Click here to be taken to the instructions for accessing the Help Desk instructions.

Juniper Networks provides support for company provided mobile service through Tangoe Corporation in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. The Juniper Help Desk provides support for mobile devices in all other locations. For information on contacting support, go to this link:

United States, United Kingdom & Canada - Mobile Device Ordering and Support Through the Tangoe Web Portal
All other locations - Mobile Device Support and Ordering Through the Juniper Help Desk

Juniper Networks has been working with Tangoe Corporation to place user’s mobile charges and usage on line. The portal only shows billing and usage for mobile devices on contracts and invoices paid directly by Juniper Networks. To see if your billing data is available on line, check the ordering and billing instructions web page.


Juniper Networks allows employees to connect to the network with their personal mobile devices and synchronize their e-mail, calendar, phone book and tasks. Juniper Networks provides documentation on how to connect devices to our Blackberry or Microsoft Push servers. The Juniper Help desk does not provide hands on assistance for the setup of personal devices.

Personal devices connected to the Juniper Network are subject to the following policies:

  1. If the device is lost or stolen, Juniper Networks must be notified since the company e-mail and phone book are company confidential data.
  2. Juniper Networks will issue a remote wipe on reported lost or stolen units. Juniper Networks is not responsible for the loss or restoral of personal data on these devices.
  3. Due to differences in remote applications Juniper cannot guarantee that all devices will correctly synchronize the calendars, phone books, e-mail folders or tasks.
  4. If Juniper Networks changes the security policy on access, the user must change their device or it will be disconnected.
Apple iPhone - Juniper Networks does not provide Apple's iPhone service on our mobile device network. This policy is mainly due to AT&T Mobility (Cingular) and Apple policies on iPhone ownership and billing. It is against Juniper policy to transfer a SIM card from a company paid mobile device to an iPhone. IPhones are covered under data plans that are not discounted and your phone will be shut off after a warning from the carrier or Juniper Help Desk. Users that do want to connect their personally paid iPhone to our e-mail client infrastructure can do so through the Exchange ActiveSync server but no assistance will be provided from Juniper Networks Help Desk.

The links below provide information on configuring your personal device onto the Juniper Network:

Exchange ActiveSync ( pdf)

Users of Windows Mobile PDA's and Cell Phones can now install a client on their mobile device that allows them to use MS Office Communicator 2005 for Instant Messaging. This client appears with identical windows showing usere's presence and provides single click capability to open an IM conversation with them on other Windows Mobile devices or at their desktops.

For information on how to install this client, refer to our Instant Messaging Web Page.


The Telecom Department or the Help Desk does not supply headsets, they are acquired by the user through their local Juniper office or computer supply catalog. Remember that the headsets for a personal computer, cell phone or desk phone require different connectors.


Juniper Networks does not supply data cards to employees under the current policy.


Juniper Networks Help Desk or Telecom Departments does not stock or provide loaner cell phones or Blackberries.

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